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View Price Per Square Foot Pavers
Gif. Pavers made from this material may consist of sandstone, quartzite the average cost of basic flagstone pavers is $10.68 per square foot. Flagstone is a generic term for sedimentary rock.
The number relies on many factors including product selection and display, staff performance, pricing, store location and layout, and much more. How much do pavers cost? Here are the most commonly used types of stone pavers and their pricing.
Get free estimates from local paving contractors.
Prices per square foot can vary based on location, improvements, updates, and lot sizes, and they don't provide fixed, accurate indication of value. Since the paving cost is based per square metre for both materials and labour, the size will directly affect the price. Pricing a paver project installation involves more than just a price per square foot. A more accurate cost comparison can be defined if one takes into consideration the added costs of storm water management systems.